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Gram Swaraj Vikash Samiti (GSVS)

Gram Swaraj Vikash Samiti (GSVS) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in India that focuses on promoting sustainable development and self-reliance in rural communities.

Gram Swaraj Vikash Samiti (GSVS) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in India that focuses on promoting sustainable development and self-reliance in rural communities. The organization was established in 1986 with the goal of empowering rural communities through grassroots interventions that address their economic, social, and environmental needs.

Gram Swaraj Vikash Samiti (GSVS) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) :-

    1.    Livelihood development to women SHGs
    2.    Literacy programme.
    3.    Skill and enterprenureship development training for young girls and women.
    4.    Income generation programme through phenyle making,  surf, handwash, ujala etc. to economically independent and self-reliant.
    5.    Micro Enterprise Development Programme by supported  of Govt. Org and others.
    6.    Awareness programme to village peoples on Health ,Hygiene, Gender, Democracy, constitutional values, Social media, Digital Literacy, Rights and entitlements , Govt.schemes and provisions 
    7.    Awareness programme to Adolescent Girls on Gender, Health Hygiene, education, early marriage, migration, social media, digital literacy, constitutional values and democracy etc.
    8.    Strengthening to the women SHG on financial management, Institutetional development, women leadership, self- reliance through govt. scheme and provisions.
    9.    Awareness to Farmers on Organic farming, Line transplant, compost making, promotion of kitchen garden, govt.scheme and provision etc.
    10.    Plantation programme to support nature and Environmental  Awareness.
    11.    Talent search programme to adolescent girls on democracy, constitutional value,social media,gender issue, rights and entitilements through Debetes,Drawing,Quiz,Essay, singing and dance competition.
    12.    Publication and Distribution of BBC materials on Gender, Social Media, Democracy, Rights and Entitilements, Digital Literacy etc to village peoples.
    13.    Monthly Staff Review meeting  and Action Plan meeting with the training of Leadership,Financial Management,Organisational Development,Gender, Democracy,Constitutional value, digital literacy, social media, rights and entitilements etc.
    14.    Awareness through Wall-writing, Health wall. 
    15.    Campaign-RTF, RTI, RTE, WATERLANDS ,safe Odisha for Her.
    16.    Celebrate of Independence day, Republic day, Constitutional day,  Women’s day, Girls Day, Children’s day day ,Foundation day Farmers’s day etc.